After I started traveling a lot for work, I realized that I needed to be ready for anything life threw at me. I didn't want to get stranded on the road without any supplies to my name. I started collecting little things that might help during an emergency, and it was amazing to see how much of a difference it made. When I was stranded a few months later, I was prepared while I waited for the tow truck. This blog is all about preparing for towing services and getting your car ready for emergencies. After all, you never know when you will be faced with trouble.
Eetu Ketola
There is little you can do to avoid the occasional flat tire or unexpected mechanical problem with your car, but many people engage in risky behaviors that drastically increase their odds of needing emergency towing services (such as is offered by By avoiding these and other risky behaviors, you can often keep your car motoring down the road and avoid the need for emergency towing or vehicular services.
Driving on the Shoulder
Many people use the shoulder of the road to get around someone turning left or as a place to park their car. But because the road's shoulder is often riddled with nails, screws and other sharp items that can lead to a flat tire, you should refrain from doing so.
Additionally, as the shoulder can be composed of soft mud or dirt, vehicles often become stuck when they stray from the paved portion of the road. Just wait the extra 30 seconds for the car ahead of you to turn, and keep all four of your vehicle's wheels on the pavement.
Driving through Standing Water
Driving through deep water can cause your engine to stall, leaving you stranded until help arrives. In some cases, this can represent a serious safety concern, as the water may cause your car to drift into deeper water or slam into another car or a tree.
Standing water may also obscure dangerous items on the road, such as construction debris, glass bottles or sharp tools, which may lead to even further damage to your car. Make it a practice to avoid driving into standing water that is more than an inch or two deep.
Driving on the Beach
Despite what you see in the movies, most cars and trucks should not be driven on the beach. In addition to the problems the sand may cause your engine and the drivetrain, cars often sink into beach sand, leaving them hopelessly stranded until help arrives.
Driving along the water-beach boundary is even more foolish, as it only takes one unusually strong wave to pull you and your car into the water.
Driving in Icy Conditions
Ice- and snow-covered roads lead to innumerable accidents, and even the most minor of these frequently result in one or more cars being inextricably stuck in deep snow. Getting your car stuck in this manner can be particularly difficult to remedy, because your spinning tires will heat up the snow, causing it to melt. This melted water can then re-freeze when you stop to check your progress, making your traction problems even worse.
Ice presents an entirely different type of problem for cars, as most tires struggle to grip the ice well enough to propel the car in a controllable manner. Rear-wheel-drive pickup trucks are especially problematic in such circumstances, as the bulk of the vehicle's weight is located over the front wheels.